Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to foster a sense of community (students and staff) within and between Langton close and Frances Gardner. A chief way to do so will be my promoting the flourish activities, and planning activities/parties or other activities, especially since we are 20 minutes away from UCL.I hope to improve flat conditions by either encouraging or streamlining the reporting process by students, so the flats are in better condition, and students feel heard. Finally, I want students to be held accountable for keeping communal areas (and bins =P) tidy, and remain respectful towards the staff.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I've been involved in a variety of clubs in high school, often in a managerial/planning role, where I reported to and interacted with teachers and staff. I was student rep in 10th grade, I was the co-leader of Model United Nations, and I was part of a student committee that presented recommendations to the Administrative staff for the remodelling of a section of my school.

I'm communicative, passionate, friendly and believe that the best way to lead is by example. I am used to being a bridge between staff and students from many positions in high school where I acted as a voice for students.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I would actually engage with the role, have a box for suggestions, and endeavour to include everyone in the process. It's meaningless if I'm a rep without any voices to represent, so I'd genuinely be interested in what people think, and how I could try to make these ideas a reality. If you put in the effort, you can be certain that I will too.


I have experience with organization, coordination, leadership and communication. I want everyone to feel valued and have fun. I want to create a sense of community. I want things to be working properly and tidy.