Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed
In order to nominate/vote for this position you must live in Campbell House East or West.

I hope to represent my accommodation in an inclusive, open way. I would run weekly meetings for students to voice any grievances and thus ensure the interests of all are represented. I would also love to organise more socials within the accommodation, at least one every half term, both to stem any loneliness students might be feeling and to provide an entertaining social occasion. I think that a round of Secret Santa across the whole accommodation would also be incredibly fun. Perhaps also sales (bake sales etc) to raise money for charities linked to a specific event - eg Pride Month.
I have previously been Wellbeing Officer at my school, as well as part of the Feminism Steering Group, and thus have experience putting on events at school. My work as a teaching assistant at a primary school demonstrates my friendliness and people skills. I have had, through the performing arts and delivering assemblies as wellbeing officer, plenty of experience at persuasive public speaking. I also have experience balancing the commitments of a role such as this with my other duties, and thus will be able to meet the commitments necessary for such a role.
I will represent your interests, every action I take directly guided by my weekly forums which will be open to all students. I will create fun social occasions, make sure that awareness is raised for different charities and commemorative occasions, and revamp the common room to make it be a place people actually use! I am very approachable, and will always hear out whatever problem you may be facing, and will always be a port of call regardless of what the issue you may have is, be it personal or communal.

Campbell house is made of East and West.
Building the bridge between the halls is at the heart of my campaign.
I hate to say it, but being an ex Waitrose ‘Partner Rep’, I know what is needed to campaign for better welfare for employees. Especially cutting costs and prioritising wellbeing. Your ideas will underpin everything I hope to achieve at Campbell.
Uni is hard, financially and emotionally, so finding solutions to economic and wellbeing issues will underpin everything I hope to do for Campbell.
Taking the skills I’ve gained from organising discos and games nights working at an international school, I will apply them to banging socials, of all kinds, here at uni. On top of this, working multiple jobs I know how to stay on top of admin and budgets, scheduling this around a social life.
Prioritising wellbeing and cutting costs will always be a passion of mine. I pushed this as an ex Waitrose 'Partner Rep', as I understand life is hard. Uni is too, here's to supporting each other.
Let's be honest, Campbell is where it's at.
We all know it, at UCL, Campbell is the centre of the party, but also the best place to chill.
As your Hall Rep, I want to build on this reputation, strengthening Campbell’s inclusive, friendly and one of a kind community.
More than anything, I want to represent your ideas to improve our hall. Anything you want to change about Campbell - I’ll make it happen.
My first changes:
- Abolish/lower laundry prices
- Free Air Freshener in every toilet (u know who u are..)
- More socials - free alcohol & softs
- Outdoor cinema and TV binge night with snacks