Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • Regular feedback forms surrounding female student experiences
  • Bringing light to issues utilising my platform as a writer as part of UCL's HerCampus magazine (a women led magazine about lifestyle, culture, careers and more)
  • Exercising informed, intersectional & gender specific approaches to UCL policy and decision making grounded in the feedback of the network
  • Engage in the organisation of events for women to meet, socialise and connect
  • Take on any specific request of the community to advocate for them.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  • Creative & confident during public speaking developed through a background in performing arts
  • Experience advocating for the conscious integration of gender specific policy through UCL Model Un 2023 in the UN Commission on the Status of women
  • Enthusiastic & outgoing personality; I love to talk to & meet people
  • Results oriented
  • Reliable & well organised - able to juggle numerous responsibilities efficiently (President of UCL Law for All, numerous legal programmes, debate mentor etc)
  • Growth mindset explored through online courses in finance, digital marketing, project management, etc
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I hope to secure your vote because the beautiful and unique experience is something I genuinely valve and cherish, and to be able to embody your thoughts and feelings will elevate me in such a special way, allowing me to then elevate you. Being involved with creating a safe space for women in a society where we are so often robbed of such would allow me to channel my personal
affection and warmth for women into institutional progression. I truly hope to become someone you can call a friend, knowing that I'll do what's in my power to empower you.