Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I aim to enhance the visibility of the network through strategically using social media platforms to highlight the achievements of POC. I will create content that resonates with the members, through sharing relevant news and creating a space for discussion. I would provide resources and opportunities for members of the network thereby enriching the network's offerings. I would advocate for the needs and interests of POC at UCL, including using platforms to highlight issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and ensuring that these considerations are reflected in UCL’s policies and practices.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Having worked collaboratively in a team dynamic, I am able to converse and work efficiently with a diverse range of individuals. Through, holding multiple positions of responsibility, I have experience in organising, promoting and executing events. I have experience navigating a range of perspectives and cultural backgrounds, through writing articles for my school newsletter, allowing me to develop a keen understanding of how to create an inclusive environment.This experience enhanced my communication skills, enabling me to effectively convey ideas and induce a sense of belonging among groups.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I offer a distinctive mix of experience, attributes and commitment, making me an ideal fit for this role. I am committed to cultivating a dynamic, inclusive and active community at UCL. My ability to collaborate effectively with diverse groups shows that I can represent and amplify the diverse voices of our student body. By voting for me, you're selecting a candidate with a genuine passion for enacting positive change, to transparency and to enhancing the UCL experience for every student. I will ensure that our collective voices are heard and acted upon, creating a more enriching campus life.

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