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Expression of interest: Expression of interest closed

Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

The RUMS Rep collaborates with RUMS Society to provide support to the LGBTQ+ medics on campus. In particular, they will:

  • Advise the LGBQ+ Officer on issues LGBTQ+ medics face.
  • Support the LGBTQ+ Medics Network
  • Arrange at least one RUMS and LGBTQ+ Network collaboration event per year.

In order to be eligible to nominate yourself for this position you must be a member of RUMS.


Joseph Herbert (he/him)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I would want to improve the queer experience in both the medical school and the wider university, so my plans include:

  • Organising awareness campaigns related to the medicalisation of asexuality and intersex people's experiences
  • Creating a safe space to report anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry within RUMS societies
  • Ensuring LGBTQ+ content delivered by the medical school recognises the role medicine has played, both historically and presently, in validating homophobia and transphobia 
  • Working closely with the LGBTQ+ Medics Network 
  • Improving in-house support at UCL for male victims of sexual violence
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I feel like I am a good candidate for this position because I have attended several events organised by the UCL LGBTQ+ Medics Network, and have spoken to other medical students about their experiences of being queer in the medical school. As president of UCL Orienteering Club, I have experience of working with the Students' Union, and our society is running an endometriosis campaign, so I know how to advocate effectively. I am also involved in various societies at UCL, including several sports, so I would be able to campaign for changes within RUMS sports club to make them more inclusive.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Medical school is stressful enough, so we shouldn't have to put up with extra challenges because of who we are. And I fully understand how frustrating it is to have to deal with transphobia and homophobia when you know they don't share the inclusive, modern values our healthcare system should be founded on. I believe my ideas, drive, and experience in both creating a community and running campaigns mean I can advocate successfully. My time spent outside of UCLMS has given me a lot of comparative knowledge of how other institutions do (a lot) better than ours, so I am ready to start the change.