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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting open

Network committee members actively support Student Officers that convene their network, and assist with the over-all decision making processes within the network. 

The Social Secretary shall:

  • Lead on organising regular social activities

You must self-define as LGBTQ+ to vote for this position.


Danilo Paganelli (He/him)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Hey! I am Danilo and I am applying to be your Social Secretary! My plans for next year include:

1.) Continue to run 3+ in-person socials a week

2.) Running Postgrad and Mature Students specific events

3.) Collaborating with other societies, networks and universities so that students can meet more people and make friends

4.) Help the committee with running ocasional category-specific events (e.g. Bi/pan events, POC events, Sapphic events etc)

5.) Ensure that events are accessible, welcoming and enjoyable for all

6.) Start a monthly LGBTQ+ guest speaker series

7.) Restart LGBTQ+ Bookclub

And much more!

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have been on the committee of the LGBTQ+ Network since 2020 and for the past 2 years I have been organising and running 3+ events a week, which I will continue doing next year. I am a very welcoming and friendly person and I aim for the events to be fun and enjoyable so that students can friends and enjoy their time at UCL, as that is the most important. I was co-LGBTQ+ Officer this year and thus I know not only how to run the network but also what UCL LGBTQ+ students want and need. I have also a lot of connections with LGBTQ+ charities and other societies, networks and universities

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I will ensure that there are mutliple fun, welcoming, accessible and interesting LGBTQ+ events each week so that students can enjoy their time in the network. I have a lot of experience both within the LGBTQ+ network and in running events in multiple groups and I have helped a lot of students make friends over the years through these events, which I want to continue doing so  I will also be able to help the new committee next year plans due to my experience and knowledge of network systems. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at danilo.paganell.20@ucl.ac.uk ! 😊