Election post


I am standing for Editor-In-Chief to continue to support World History Society members to publish their own works of historical argumentation. I am deeply passionate about studying history, building my own opinions, and then turning them into a well written paper. I believe going through the publication process would be an extremely rewarding and worthwhile challenge. However, I am well aware that it is extremely difficult to get published as an undergraduate historian. Therefore, I hope to continue to serve as the Editor-In-Chief for the World History Society to give like-minded students the support and opportunity to publish their works. Having worked closely with Agoston since my election in the fall, we have put the World History Society on track to publish its inaugural journal this school year. This will give UCL students from all academic disciplines the opportunity to publish their 1) Original historical research; 2) literature reviews; 3) book reviews. Lastly, I hope to encourage multiple students to collaborate to produce a single paper. Academia is meant to be a collaborative environment and yet few opportunities exist for undergraduate historians to do so. Having multiple historians produce one paper is an extremely valuable collaborative experience that leads to exceptionally well researched papers. Serving as Editor-In-Chief has been and enjoyable and purposeful challenge for me, so I hope to finish the job and get your works published!