Election post


Hi everyone!

My name is Oorvi, I study Mathematics and I am currently a first-year representative for Women in Finance Society. From early on, WinF stood out to me as such a warm and approachable group of people with a unique focus on inclusion and diversity in finance which is so vital, and this motivated me to become more involved in contributing to our society's growth.

Being surrounded by like-minded, intelligent and strong women has been so inspiring and I hope to continue the legacy of this incredible society as Treasurer for the next year.

As Head Student of my secondary school, I developed a strong foundation in event organization, public speaking and managing time-sensitive responsibilities. As WinF FYR I have had the opportunity to help organise events such as our flagship “Share the Vision” conference, which has given me huge insight into the ins and outs of the society.

My vision for WinF includes –

-Greater collaboration with similar societies in London universities in order to expand on insight opportunities and networking

-Releasing a monthly newsletter with highlights from our society, summarising the events and opportunities available to members, as well as tips for internship applications and interviews

-Introducing skill-based workshops to help build the soft skills that are essential to have in the corporate world

-Running financial literacy workshops for people who have little to no knowledge of finance and are keen to increase their general awareness


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