Election post


The primary reason I am standing for social secretary is my belief that social activities can both strengthen bonds within the club but also create new ones with members of other societies. As a Water Polo beginner, I have been grateful for the good-natured spirit of the members in helping me learn the sport. I believe that I forged relationships with many of these members outside the confines of the pool in many of the enjoyable social events that Water Polo have already hosted. The importance of friendships is therefore clear to me and I will aim to foster a healthy and constructive atmosphere in the club through the variety of social events I will plan. 

I have lived in London for most of my life and would be keen to utilise my knowledge of social activities to provide a diverse range of them both within the society but also in collaboration with other societies. I have understood that a shortage of members, particularly female members, has been an issue at the club, something I would try and reduce by getting together with other societies. As a member of the swimming society I feel as if I am already at an advantageous position and would be keen to get some joint events planned.

In conclusion, by creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, I believe we can attract new members, learn from each other, ensure the growth of the club and most importantly have a good time! 

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