Election post


Hello everyone! 
My name is Maria Vittoria, but you probably know me by my nickname Mavi. Next year will be my last at UCL, studying Psychology and Language Sciences. I've been part of the Women's team for the past two years, and I have enjoyed every moment of it!

I'm standing as a Welfare Officer because I believe that having someone to talk to when things get difficult is crucial to making the most out of the experience. Sometimes receiving a second perspective helps us to reconsider what we could improve on, and it surely encourages us to rewrite our states of mind, perhaps with a more positive look :) 

I think I'm suitable for this role because I can be a very good listener, as well as a calming and comforting presence. Furthermore, being a Welfare Officer would help me in putting into practice the core of my studies.

My hope is to contribute to creating a very sociable and pleasant environment, where we can all support one another. This is very important, especially when big matches come and cheering is needed! 

Thanks for sticking through this long paragraph, I'll see you on the court :)



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