Election post


Hey there, it's Izach! As the Marketing Director, I aim to enhance our club's visibility and engagement through online platforms. I have always been interested in sports social media, analyzing their content strategies and taking on ways to improve marketing material to post online. Here are things I aim to do:

Taking charge of the Instagram, I can provide quick responses to messages (as I am chronically online), as well as post regular updates and stories (perhaps hosting IG lives with captains before a match?!), to engage the audience and boost community interaction. I aim to create content that showcases our activities and achievements, which will spark people's interest to the sport and create a sense of community amongst current members. I am open to receive feedback from the community to tailor the marketing strategies that will resonate with the audience, such as producing more aesthetically pleasing stories and posts.

I can produce visually appealing graphics, sticking to certain themes or motifs that are utilised throughout the year. The content will reflect the spirit and energy of UCL and volleyball. I hope to produce highlights and posts that showcase matches, social sessions, and members of the teams, which will allow people to engage with them more. I am keen to create a schedule for the season's matches, allowing people to look out for events that they can watch and support our teams. 
Let's see our sport grow this year - vote for me as your marketing director!

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