Election post


"I am grateful for the Vietnamese Society of UCL for being a positive influence in my student life". I know that many members or ex-members might have felt this. I also know that despite there being a Vietnamese society, some students have never engaged with the society until long after they have arrived at UCL. I sympathise with them, I too have felt the loneliness, which have improved so much since I've been to the society's events and meet more people who I feel more connected with. This includes meeting students who just has an interest in Vietnam. I know Viet students who, ever since moving to UCL, feel more detached from their own roots. I bet some of you know them too.

As a Vietnamese student from Vietnam. I stand to change this. I believe it can be improved by looking at why the society exists: To create a supportive community, connecting people from diverse backgrounds with the same interests.

This society provides a precious community for many Viet students to feel more at home while away from our families, and for many non-Viet students to immerse themselves within the Vietnamese culture. I aim to improve connections within all members of the society whether they are Vietnamese students, overseas Vietnamese students or students who are keen to learn about Vietnam. 

I aim to be an active, sociable and supportive president, ensuring the society's positive impact for current and potential students. UCL Vietsoc will become a hub for connections and enjoyment.


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