Election post


I stand for this role because I love the community we have at Bentham's Farm and I would like to step-up to help our society reach greater heights. Currently as your Communications Officer, I oversaw our outreach efforts, organising events with the other committee members. Being part of the committee, I got to understand first-hand how each unique role works together.

I believe I have the skills and commitment necessary to effectively manage the financial aspects of Urban Farmers Society. With a background in finance and a deep understanding of the challenges facing our organization, I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to the fiscal responsibility required for our continued growth and success.

If elected, I am committed to:

  1. Implementing transparent financial practices to ensure accountability and trust within our community.
  2. Exploring new funding and grants to support our initiatives and expand our impact

I am eager to bring fresh and innovative ideas to this role. Together, we can nurture a thriving Urban Farmers' Society that not only sustains our current initiatives but also plants the seeds for future growth and community engagement.

I kindly ask for your support. Let's cultivate a prosperous future for our Urban Farmers Society.

If you have questions for me, I'll be at our usual sessions but otherwise feel free to reach out @parthusmaximus.

Thank you for reading, and please do vote for whomever you feel is best-suited!
Your Society. Your say.