Election post


Having served as the UCLUNA’s current Careers Director this past year, I would like to further my development by serving as Vice President for External Relations.


Currently, I help source job opportunities and communicate them to UCLUNA members and alumni regularly, help manage the society’s LinkedIn page to increase publicity, and reach out to various alumni and potential speakers for events. 


I have experience with outreach via various channels, having served as Social Media Coordinator for my local foodbank, and run my own public creator account, showing the use of various online platforms for reaching out as well as forming and maintaining external relations.


Thanks to my active engagement in external MUN conferences, I continue to build connections and friendships with members within the UK MUN circuit. Notably, I received an Honourable Mention at OxIMUN, have chairing experience at QMUN and ManMUN, and the forthcoming LSEMUN:HS and LiMUN:HS. I also consistently participate in our internal weekly training sessions. 


Having worked under our current VP for External Relations Lincoln, I am well versed with the complexities and procedures of liaising with NGOs and professionals for speaker events. Knowing what the job entails, I believe I am well-equipped to succeed his role as Vice President - External Relations, and would be pleased to have your vote of confidence. 


Vote Hayley for Vice President - External Relations!

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