Election post


Ozan Training Officer Nomination


Prior Experience: 


  • I have 6 years of MUN experience as a chair and delegate. I ran my high school’s MUN club for two years, organised a conference while chairing UNESCO.


  • I have partaken in conferences around the world at HarvardMUN and NSHMUN. I have also won numerous Best Delegate awards in both local French conferences and international ones. I have equally partaken in both standard and crisis format conferences. 


  • I have run numerous weekly sessions in my high school, created interesting committees and subjects, organised public debate sessions, and researched and prepared for conferences. 


  • I have studied the UN and Geopolitics for over 6 years in my spare time to know how delegates can debate better and how the UN can concretely solve current world problems. 


UCLUNA Experience: 


  • For all the weekly simulation sessions, I have written close to 20 simulation topics. These were later posted on the Instagram page for you to see. 


  • I wrote two reports for the weekly sessions on Kurdistan and WWI simulations. I will continue to do these reports for future weekly sessions. 


For the Future:


  • I plan to create simplified preparatory documents for conferences and MUN since it can be intimidating and confusing to remember, especially for beginners.


  • I plan to prepare fun public session activities to develop debating skills, which are essential for delegates who want to get a Best Delegate
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