Election post


Hi! I'm Maria, for those who don't know me, I'm a Russian-French student in Politics and Sociology with East European studies and I am hoping to be a training officer for UCL UNA next year. 

To say the least, MUN has been a major part of my first year at university. Throughout the year, I’ve participated in quite a few conferences, both as chair and a delegate, both in the UK and abroad. Anyone who knows me well enough knows that when picking a country as a delegate, I usually tend to go for the most controversial ones - this year my choices were Iran, Russia and the Serbian counsel denying its war crimes in the ICJ. Two out of the three times I managed to win awards, showcasing that as problematic as those countries are, I was able to successfully defend their stances in debate, and can aid UCL UNA’s future delegates in doing the same for any country they end up with. 

The committees I’ve been involved with have equally been diverse. Besides General Assembly committees, I’ve been involved with the Summit of the Future, ICJ and am currently preparing to chair an even more specialized one - the Judiciary Crisis Committee (which is essentially ICJ with elements of crisis). Those experiences made me well acquainted with all sorts of procedures and expectations for pre-written submissions. I therefore believe that, as training officer, I can guide delegates (and chairs!) in preparation for success in any committee they’ve applied for and I'd be very grateful for your support:)


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