Election post


I'm Lincoln, the current Vice President of UCLUNA;

By the time I would have participated in over 98 MUN Conferences, chaired in over 30 conferences, having earning over 35 awards recognising my public speaking and negotiation prowess, and most crucially my aptitude in MUN.

During this year as Vice President, I went above and beyond my role and led the 60-member strong TeamUCL Delegation as Head Delegate and Advisor and increased the number of awards we attained by four-fold, whilst organised and led the esteemed UCLMUN Conference as Deputy Secretary General with 190+ participants with a team of 13.


In Last year's manifesto, I promised five major changes that would happen under my leadership;

1. Revive UCL MUN Conference (*Done*)

2. Partnership with other societies (*Done*)

3. Improve our training quality and turnout (*Done*)

4. Partnership with NGOs and Embassy Visits (*Done*)

5. Improve TeamUCL Delegation  (*Done*)


This year here are five promises that I will make

1. Continuing UCLMUN and embassy visits

2. Restart the UCLUNA Volunteering Programme (*In planning, Nearly Done*)

3. Further Develop the UCLUNA Careers Programme to connect with UCLUNA Alumni, such as those in Public and Finance Sector

4. Further Improve existing Training Sessions for Delegates and Chairs to incorporate Public Speaking and Negotiation Skills

5. More Socials, especially post-training sessions



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