Election post


I have decided to run for events director because I want to be a part of a society that means so much to me. I have met great people through this society and met many of my friends. I only started MUN at university as it didn’t exist in my secondary school so due to my limited experience, I personally don’t feel it would be right for me to run for a position such as training officer. However, I have attended many of the events organised by the society, such as embassy visits and guest speaker events, and found them interesting and very enjoyable. I want to be involved in the organisation of more of these and add more fun socials throughout the year. I have experience in event organisation and running, such as a face painting activity in a fundraiser at my secondary school, open nights to prospective students, and camp wide evening activities and camping trips at an American Summer camp. I have also had extensive practice of interpersonal skills and communication development throughout the last few years, a skill I believe is very important for the role of events director. 

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