Election post


Hi there, my name is Sasha, and I am a first-year Politics, Sociology, and East European Studies student at SSEES. I am running to be your Social Secretary in our ever-expanding community at the UCL Ukrainian Society:)


As the student representative for my course, I have experience in ensuring clear communication between professors and students, skills which I hope to hone when conveying our members’ opinions, thoughts, and concerns to further elevate our community and, most importantly, have fun. I believe in representing all voices and aspects of our community so that together we can create a welcoming space where all feel valued and respected.


The power of connection is something very important to me. As Social Secretary, I would be committed to organising engaging events and activities that bring our members together, spark new connections, and foster bonds that transcend borders and enrich our collective experience. Additionally, I am dedicated to creating a safe space with our events where everyone feels a sense of belonging, echoing our goal of creating a “home away from home”.


Privileged to have had three years of teaching experience, I have learnt how to find common language with people of different ages, backgrounds, and cultures. I am excited by the prospect of building upon this professional experience if given the opportunity to serve as your Social Secretary at UCL Ukrainian Society.


Slava Ukraïni!