Election post


Hi, I'm Tomás and I'm running for the position of treasurer, as for the last 2 years I have been committed to UCL tennis as a player and a captain and I believe I understand the society and the responsibilities that come with a higher role. As treasurer I will become more involved in all the events and weekly trainings that take place across all levels of the society, aiming to have a positive impact on the organisation and delivery. As we continue to grow as a tennis club with increasing membership, there are certain things I believe we can improve. These include having more hours of court time during the week for practice and employment of coaches not only for BUCS but R&D and LUSL as well. As for BUCS I think the standard has increased dramatically across the teams this year and I would like to see that continue into the future by improving the quality of training provided to the players, hoping to make UCL an attractive tennis university for new students.

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