Election post


I am thrilled to nominate myself for the position of Communication Secretary within our esteemed tennis club. As the most excellent photographer this year, I have attended every important society event, capturing and immortalizing unforgettable moments. My skills in photography have been challenged and tested by the demands of people's preferences, as evidenced by the content I share on Instagram. The majority of my works can be found on @ucltennis linktree, and I am eager to extend my expertise to assist the tennis society with all things related to visual media in the upcoming year.

If appointed as Communication Secretary, I aim to utilize my capacity in media to enrich our club's communication channels. I am committed to introducing a more diverse range of content, including videos, gifs, and even short movies, to make our communication more engaging and enjoyable for everyone involved. Together, let's capture the spirit of our tennis community and share it with the world!