Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Ezatul Syafiqah but most of you probably know me as Iqah. Some of you may know me as one of the current LUSL captains but for the upcoming academic year I'm thinking of running for new positions :)

I'd like to run as the club's Charities Officer because of the vision I have in mind to organise tennis events that are not only fun and engaging across all divisions in the club but at the same time give back to the community in need. Our Tennis Club is one of the largest entities in UCL, and I believe that if I am chosen for this position I would do my best to encourage most, if not all, the members of the club to participate in the charity events we will hold next year. I also plan on organising open or inter-university charity tournaments which would hopefully attract a bigger crowd, promote healthy competition and be of social benefit.

Vote me for Charities Officer 24/25 for more tennis fun while also helping our society :D

Iqah <3