Election post


As a current Computer Science student and with a passion for fostering meaningful connections, I am committed to elevating the society through strategic partnerships and sustainable funding. I hope to create a dynamic network of partners who share our passion for technology and are committed to supporting our mission of fostering learning, innovation, and professional growth. Through strategic planning and innovative approaches, I want to create a diverse portfolio in order to support the society's activities, events, and initiatives. I endeavour to reach out to a diverse range of technology companies, start-ups, and industry leaders.

I hold excellent communication skills, proven by my years of debating, Model UN and European Youth Parliament, which are key for this role. I am dedicated to forging long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with our sponsors. These partnerships will not only provide financial support but also offer valuable opportunities for networking, mentorship, and collaboration. As an excellent team-player, I have the ability to create meaningful relationships, evidenced by my role as course representative for my cohort. With a strategic mindset, a collaborative spirit, and a commitment to excellence, I believe I can drive innovation and foster meaningful partnerships. As someone who also genuinely enjoys networking and meeting new individuals, I hope to thrive in this role!