Election post


Hi!! I’m running for welfare officer this year because I love Taylor and I want to take care of all of your welfare! I’m currently in exile (on my year abroad) so that’s why you’ve not seen me around much this year but for the last two years I’ve loved this society so much and I’m really passionate about getting involved! I hope to help make this society as fun and stress free as possible. I want to make sure the TSS community is a safe, inclusive, and happy space for everyone and help out with any bad blood or great wars that may arise. I’m always going to be open for any feedback, and I want our members to feel supported, heard, and looked after - You’re not on your own, kid! It is really important to me that everyone feels welcome here and always able to participate. Long story short, I am just really excited to come back (and…be here) next year in any capacity with TSS, and it would be a joy to join the committee! Can’t wait to see you all at karaoke!

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