Election post


I would love to be the next President of the UCL Tamil Society because I firmly believe in advancing diversity within the university while honouring and celebrating our Tamil heritage. Engaging in the society's events throughout the year, I aim to contribute my time and efforts to enrich the academic journey of its members. My objective is to use my communication and organisational skills to facilitate the planning of events and meetings.

Having served as Head of Freshers last year, I found great satisfaction in my role, I am eager to embrace greater responsibilities now. Throughout the past year, I have actively contributed ideas for our freshers, whether it be organising games nights or involving first-year reps in vital tasks. Moreover, I aspire to organise various social events including meet and greets and games nights. It is also my goal to raise awareness about significant days such as Maaveerar Naal, honouring the sacrifices of Tamil Eelam heroes.

I thrive in collaborative environments and believe that my strong communication skills greatly enhance team dynamics. For instance, during Panithuli, I collaborated with fellow committee members to efficiently manage ticketing, ensuring the smooth execution of the event. Drawing from this experience, I am enthusiastic about stepping into a management role and believe I'm ready for the next level of leadership.

Thank you for considering my application. (And if you're voting, consider Thanusan too - we're in this together).