Election post


Hello everyone! I am Abram and I am a first year statistics, economics and a language student. I was born and raised in Taipei and I moved to London two years ago!

As a committed member of the Taiwanese society, I am excited to stand for the position of treasurer.

I am currently a member of Surocuk, the student union of Taiwanese students in the UK. With this experience, I have not only networked with other Taiwanese unions, but also gained hands-on experience on how to  contribute to a well-run society. 

I am running for treasurer because I believe financial management is crucial to a society's development. At Taiwanese society, we hold annual events ranging from boat parties to Mahjong socials. For these events, I believe I am well suited for the position as I can help maximise the quality while minimising the cost. And I promise I will be nice to everyone!