Election post



I'm Eric and I am a 2nd year astrophysics student. I have played table tennis for 5 years, alongside 3 years of playing at a club and now 2 years in the society at UCL, where I have made very special memories and friends. Now I feel ready to take on the role of vice-president within the table tennis society. 

As vice-president there will be several responsibilities which will be upheld to the best of my ability.

However my focus will be on the growth of the society such as:

  • Bridging the gap between the competitive and social sides of the society by pushing events in which everyone interacts with each other and possibly creating events with other societies to put everyone on a level playing field :)
  • Attracting new players to the club, the main issues I see is that currently there isn't enough opportunities for people who want to try the sport for the first time. I would love to push forward a course where people who have never played before will be taught the basics and understand techniques instead of throwing them into a totally new environment 
  • Lastly, more social events. Table tennis is mainly an individual sport, so the opportunities to interact are quite low. It would be great if there were more events, which could include tournaments within the society, events with other societies, events which don't involve table tennis such as game/trivia nights and lastly trips to professional games. Especially after Manchester, I can firmly say they'll be quite special :)
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