It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Different experiences have shaped my motivation to work as your Sustainability Officer. Last summer, I authored 3 reform bills on Environmental Law to address the climate crisis in my home state. 

Moreover, after working at the Climate Action Society, I now have a better grasp on how UCL operates and where we must focus our sustainability efforts. I aim to use these same skills to bring about structural change to UCL. 

Whether elected or not, ​​I sincerely offer my commitment to achieving the goals described below at our university.


What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?


  • Switch from Barclays banking account 
  • Ensure no more investments are made to firms that are linked with the fossil industry 


Sustainability Plan

  • Ensure student flights and scope 3 are included in UCL’s carbon-zero strategy
  • Create more green spaces for students on campus



  • Work on the implementation of the students sustainability training programme 
  • Implement a “Fossil Free Careers” policy 



  • Work with UCL NUS delegates to bring forward the Plant Based Uni’s campaign


Student Groups

  • Introduce a Sustainability Officer position within student groups


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I’ll be honest. Whether I get elected or not, I will continue to work on the objectives described above at the Climate Action Society.

So why should you vote for me then? Well, I believe that working in the Student Union will be incredibly useful to better influence UCL’s decision-making process when discussing finance, food, education, and energy strategies.

If elected as your Sustainability Officer, I will continuously work to mobilise our students' political voice and bring forward a more sustainable agenda to our UCL community.


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