Election post


Hi! My name is Julia, and I hope to be your next Vice President of Surgical Society! As current workshop coordinator for iNUGSC 2024, I want to use my insight, dedication and skills to make iNUGSC 2025 a memorable experience for both delegates and the committee.

I come with collaborative spirit, clear vision and enthusiasm. I hope to lead a team, which thrives from our combined backgrounds to bring a wide-range of perspectives to the table, which will make the decision-making process more efficient and running of the committee well-organised.

For next year, I hope to build on our foundations and expand to include more experiences such as:

·   introduce a pre-conference teaching series on writing abstracts or preparing posters for the conference

·   run CV clinics

·   bring the community of Surgical Society closer and make them more enagaged in society life

·   make the opportunities available amongst subcommittees more clear and accessible

·   encourage collaboration between different teams within SurgSoc

I have a wide range of experiences in managing student-led projects, ranging from AcaMedics coordinator, speakers liaison for “UCL Leaders” conference and events officer for Neurology Society. I learned a lot about organising large-scale events and understand the importance of communication, teamwork, problem-solving and adaptability when doing so.

I am excited to start our work with you next year! See you at society events;)