Election post


Hey everyone, thank you for considering me as your next T&O chair! I’m really excited to fuel your interest in this specialty; I have plenty of ideas for how to augment our exposure to T&O at medical school, building on the hard work of my predecessors.

Key aims:

  1. Taking things up a ~vertebral~ notch by expanding our access to regional and national events. How? As a representative for the British Orthopaedic Medical Student Association, I can streamline our communication with the national committee. This can broaden our scope for regional collaborations and allow you to meet more like-minded individuals.
  2. Improve our exposure to the TRAUMA part of T&O. This specialty is more than just ‘bros and bones’, and trauma management shouldn’t be neglected. How? A student-friendly ATLS (advanced trauma life support) series for anyone who is interested in managing acute life-threatening trauma cases, in the UK or on the frontline.
  3. Encouraging academic discussions of where T&O is headed over the course of our careers, to tailor our learning and optimise our experiences for the future. How? Holding a journal club with opportunities for critical thinking, analysis, student-led presentations and valuable feedback from esteemed T&O surgeons.

As well as working hard to push for innovative ideas, I am passionate about hearing more from you! I aim to not only provide a female-friendly face in T&O, but also to ensure that everyone’s thoughts are heard regardless of background and experience.