Election post


Hi, I’m Aishani, and I would love to be your next secretary!

SurgSoc has been a key part of my time at UCLMS. From being in iNUGSC committee to attending tutorials and speciality talks from surgeons, SurgSoc has helped me delve deeper into surgery; as secretary, I wish to contribute to the society and enable other students to explore surgery and build their surgical portfolios too.

Utilising my organisational and communication skills from organising talks as a part of the Research and Academic Medicine subcommittee, handling publicity for iNUGSC, and being part of the RUMS Events subcommittee, I aim to:

  • Continue the weekly bulletin, dividing it into more distinct sections for upcoming internal events (including conferences), tutorials, external opportunities, and research and audit opportunities. I would also love to continue the weekly SBAs in the bulletin!
  • Enhance how we present and archive external events and clinical research/auditing opportunities by creating a bank of these, increasing ease of access to the same. 
  • Set up another form through our linktree, in addition to the one already set up at the end of the weekly bulletins, to streamline the process of promoting events.
  • Ensure good record-keeping of society proceedings
  • Facilitate easy communications between various subcommittees, and lend a helping hand wherever required.
  • Make sure our members receive news about our latest events and about how to engage with the society throughout the year.

Thank you!


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