Election post


Hi everyone, I'm Nikita, current Treasurer of Surgical Society!

As Treasurer I have:

  • Secured multiple sponsorships.
  • Organised and negotiated a free venue for the Gala Dinner
  • Maintained communication with the Students Union
  • Worked with committee members to facilitate large conferences (WINS, INNC, iNUGSC, BCOSS)
  • Responsible for the financal operations of this society.

My experience will be vital to ensure efficient running of this society, whilst also delivering high quality events and opportunities for our members.

Looking towards the future, I will work with our committee to bring to life 3 key areas.


  • Organise monthly committee and member socials - meet new people and build better connections.
  • Organise an even better Gala Dinner at the Royal College of Surgeons.


  • Coordinate events with other surgical societies and other UCL societies like MedTech.
  • Collaborate with charities - working with student medaid and raising funds to provide surgical equipment abroad.


  • Encourage specialty chairs to organise mentorship programs and early clinical exposure with surgeons.
  • Introduce a research officer role, to help students gain access to research and audit projects.
  • Create opportunities for prizes through essay competitions, hackathons, AI events and RCS accredited skills courses.

As President, I am determined and committed to build on the work of the current committee to expand and grow this society!

Vote for Nikita

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