Election post


Hi, I'm Lizzie! Since joining SurgSoc at the Freshers’ Fair, I’ve had a great time! From talks, to the Surgical Gala, to iNUGSC, I am thankful for how I’ve gotten to explore surgery.

I’m running for Pre-clinical Representative because I want more of my peers to benefit the same way I have. Here are my 3 goals that I believe would give SurgSoc more equal awareness:

  1. Making our existing mentoring scheme more efficient: I would model it after programs like the Pharmacology Mentoring Scheme, where groups are sorted in WhatsApp channels. The main aim would be to provide early guidance on Surgical Portfolio planning, giving people the chance to learn about it earlier.
  2. Bringing back tutorials: Tutorials would make SurgSoc more present; many of us pre-clins attend tutorials – they help us learn and we also get to know older years and societies more!
  3. Organizing more hands-on workshops, such as suturing sessions: I think this would excite us and minimize feelings of frustration when there are limited spaces at conferences to do such workshops.

Why me?

  • Serving as C&B Academic Rep, I feel I have gotten to know the med school and can navigate the system to bring about changes
  • Prior leadership roles, like being a school prefect, have taught me how to deliver initiatives
  • Volunteering for healthcare organizations has given me the skills to coordinate workshops and events
  • I have learned that sometimes the best thing to do is listen. I would be happy to help carry out others’ ideas!