Election post


This past year has been an incredible journey as Vice Chair of the Ophthalmology Subcommittee. 

I have had the privilege of contributing significantly to the establishment of BCOSS, the British Collaboration of Ophthalmology of Student Societies, facilitating a partnership with medical schools across the UK.

Additionally, I played a central role in organising the inaugural BCOSS International Student Ophthalmology Conference, which we are delighted to host at UCL East this month. It will be the largest in-person Ophthalmology in the UK.

Collaborating closely with the current Chair has equipped me with the necessary insights and readiness to assume the Chair position myself, having shared important decision making and communication tasks throughout the year. This period has demonstrated our collective capability to achieve outstanding outcomes, and I am keen to continue this trajectory of success.

Looking ahead, my primary objective is to fortify our links with other universities and ensure the annual recurrence of the BCOSS Ophthalmology Conference and the BCOSS Duke Elder lecture series.

I am optimistic about the future of the UCL Ophthalmology Subcommittee and greatly excited for all the opportunities it holds for further accomplishments.








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