Election post


Hi, I'm Ritwik Pain, and I'm excited to run for Education Officer of the Surgical Society. As a dedicated member for two years and former events manager for the cardiothoracic subcommittee, I've actively contributed to our community. My passion lies in teaching, evident through my involvement in organising tutorials and talks for my peers.

If elected, I'll prepare tutorials for both clinical and preclinical years, tailored to their rotations/modules. For preclinical education, I'll establish a tutor sign-up scheme to create more opportunities for other students to gain experience teaching and I'll ensure tutorial quality with my subcommittee's help. Collaborating with relevant UCL societies, I'll organise teaching series for clinical years led by experienced peers or junior doctors.

Exam readiness is crucial, therefore I want to include plenty of SBAs in our tutorials and arrange tailored Mock CPSA stations for second-years and above for both formatives and summatives. Coordination with subsocieties in Surgical Society will help ensure sufficient examiners and actors.

To help students who are unsure about their path in getting into surgery, I'll encourage and help subsocieties arrange talks from current surgeons to guide students interested in pursuing surgery.

I'm committed to enhancing educational experiences within the Surgical Society and ensuring members' academic success. Thank you for your support in my candidacy for Education Officer!

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