Election post


My name is Becca and I'm running to be ENT Chair! I am a second year, passionate about ENT surgery, a rewarding and fascinating field. I want to inspire fellow students to explore the possibilities within this specialty and foster a supportive community where we can learn together.

My goals for the year:

  1. Enhanced Collaboration with Nationwide ENT Societies: I recognise the importance of collaboration within the medical community. I will establish stronger ties with other university ENT societies, especially those at KCL and Imperial. One potential collaboration could involve organising a lecture series featuring surgeons of different subspecialties providing valuable guidance. 
  2. Shadowing Scheme: Leveraging our proximity to leading ENT institutions, such as UCLH and the Royal National ENT Hospital, I've established connections with several enthusiastic surgeons willing to mentor students. Through this scheme, students will have the opportunity to scrub into surgeries, gaining insight into the intricacies and diversity of ENT. My own interest grew during taster weeks at these hospitals, spent in theatre and clinics, and I believe this scheme will similarly inspire students.
  3. Expanding Hands-on Experience: Addressing the need for more ENT events and enhanced learning opportunities. I aim to organise additional opportunities for UCLMS students to develop essential skills (eg. endoscope handing), including planning an event akin to the ENT surgical skills day by
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