Election post


Hi everyone - I joined SAAH this year and I’m a 2nd year undergrad in Global Humanitarian Studies (I learn about aid, climate change and saving the world!) I know that SAAH has expanded a lot with this committee which is really exciting and one of the reasons why I’d like to join now. Everyone is also super friendly which is a massive plus! As Treasurer, I’d aim to maximise SAAH’s budget by expanding our fundraising activities and membership even further. Last year I was UCL Dance Society’s Freshers’ Representative so I know what it’s like to be in a committee, meet deadlines and run fundraising events. In February I co-produced the Triple Bill dance shows which raised £3000 for charity. Whilst I haven’t had the chance to handle a society’s budget yet, I’m eager to learn and get stuck in.

Since I moved to London 8 years ago I’ve been a volunteer with various charities like the British Red Cross, Holborn Community Centre, World Child Cancer and Feast With Us (with SAAH!) I love volunteering because of the people you meet. It’s such a good way to connect with communities outside of UCL and to learn from different people. Homelessness is something that can affect anyone, especially in the current climate, so for me this society is about doing small but meaningful things to make someone's day a bit brighter.

I promise I’m a friendly person so please drop me a message through the groupchat if you have any questions. Thanks for reading this and please vote for me!

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