Election post


As a current first-year representative in the Events department of this society, I am familiar with the responsibilities of this role. With hands-on experience and a passion for fostering engaging and inclusive activities for our members, I am excited to step up as Events Director to lead our team towards a vision of impactful events where every member feels valued and empowered.

I envision events as an experience that curates moments that will make an indelible mark on your university journey and builds meaningful connections. From thought-provoking panel discussions to interactive workshops to social events, I am committed to creating an enriching calendar of events that reflects the diverse interests and aspirations of our members, including: 

  • Spring week panels
  • Subject-specific CV workshops
  • Cards social nights
  • Revision sessions for STAT modules, etc.

Statistics is a subject that is intertwined with a lot of other disciplines. As the department has many students pursuing statistics with another subject, I understand that some of us would like to participate in events that combine all of these elements. I aim to host more events by collaborating with other societies, both within and outside of UCL, to achieve this.

I can’t wait to serve as your Events Director for ‘24/’25!