Election post


Hi, I'm Isaac, a third-year EISPS student currently on my Year Abroad in Berlin! I spent a possibly-too-large amount of my time in first and second year in the Bloomsbury Theatre working on a variety of shows in a variety of different roles, and am really looking forward to catching up with / meeting new members of Stage Crew!

As someone who joined Stage Crew with roughly GCSE-level prior knowledge on how theatre tech worked, I simultaneously felt capable of showing people how things worked and completely out of my depth myself. I also know how much the pressure can build up during shows, whether it is with deadlines set by Stage Crew or interactions with any other societies.

As Welfare Officer, my priorities will be to:

 - Continue the fantastic work of previous Welfare Officers by running a weekly drop-in session during term time and co-ordinating Welfare Socials with the Social Secretaries

- Work with the rest of committee to ensure that Welfare is a central, open and transparent part of the society's function

- Be present during show weeks to offer support wherever possible!

- Create a collaborative 'Knowledge Bank' so that newer members are not overwhelmed by show roles

- Co-operate with Welfare Officers of other ArtsUCL societies in advance to ensure that collective guidelines and boundaries are set to avoid conflict during show weeks, and communicate these guidelines to performers and crew.

As Welfare Officer or not, I can't wait to come back and get involved! :)


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