Election post


Having never entered the Bloomsbury theatre before in my life, I was given the opportunity to design the lighting for my first ever show with the UCL stage crew. Whilst this was one of the most daunting tasks I have ever been given, it was also one of the most rewarding. It taught me critical skills that, despite being a part of my secondary school stage crew for 4 years, I had never truly learnt before. For example, relying on more experienced people, without whom An Ideal Husband would have been a train wreck. This is one of the main reasons I want to be a part of stage crew committee because it is so intrinsically about teaching others and applying what you know to many different situations. I recently visited my secondary school to see the production led by the generation of stage crew that I had personally trained and this was one of the most fulfilling experiences, seeing the impact I have had on younger students. I feel strongly about continuing this and building on this further. Despite not being an artistically-inclined person in regards to music or acting,  being part of a team to bring a collective vision to life draws out my creative side. I would be suitable to the role of treasurer because I have regularly handled money and cashflow as part of roles I have taken in producing shows as well as being the Senior Charity prefect in sixth form. As part of these roles, I have had to work within budgets and account for cashflow problems and so it fits me well. 

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