Election post


Reach for the stars! Vote for me for out of this world Space Society Events!

I joined SpaceSoc to explore my passion for astronomy, learning new things and connecting with like-minded people, and found the current committee's commitment for fun, diverse and frequent events to be inspiring. I wish to continue this next year with more engaging, fun and interesting events. 

SpaceSoc has become one of my most enjoyable activities at uni. I've been a very active member by not only attending most of the events this year but also helping out during the January Societies Fair  I was able to do this with my friend Olivia who I met through Space Society, who is also running for this election to be secretary. Together, we hope to continue and grow the reasons we have become so passionate and involved in space society next year. One of my main goals as events officer would be greater member input for event ideas. I have loved, like many, the occasional voting system used in SpaceSoc for the next event, and I hope to grow that by utilising it more.

Also, I will finally take SpaceSoc to space!!! (As long as a billionaire funds us)

In regards of experience, I held similar committee positions at both high school and college level and have always been active in many clubs. Here, I gained the skills needed to be efficient and active in the committee and I hope to grow these skills next year.

I hope you consider voting for me and I'll see you at the next social!

Hubert xo

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