Election post


I’ve been a member of Snowsports Committee for coming up to 15 months and I feel that in my time as both Welfare and Social Secretary that I have developed not only a practical understanding of how the club functions, but also friendships and connections with fellow members.

Going forward, I would love the opportunity to serve the club through this role - advising the new committee of the precedent and the wider views of the club. I’d be interested in setting up a Snowsports alumni network, with opt-in email updates about the activities of the club and reunion socials. Alongside this, I would like to further Snowsports involvement with charity and TeamUCL schemes, supporting the President and VP. These charity initiatives could include Committee sponsorship challenges and continuing our successful pub quiz nights. Furthering Snowsports’ commitment to diversity initiatives is something I would put emphasis on in my role, making sure that Snowsports is more actively involved in campaigns such as Movember and Pride Week. Integration of the club into TeamUCL and improving sports night for our members is important to me and something I would like to continue to work on in the following year, with the dialogue I have established with the union. 

This club - its activities, inclusive ethos and member base - is very close to my heart and I am continually proud to being a part of it. I would love to be elected to this position to support the club's growth in the capacity of a rep.