Election post


I believe that the true role of the media and marketing officer has little to do with going viral, after all, who really cares how many views a reel about a trip gets? What matters is reach within UCL, importantly leading to trip sales and growth of members. As both a skier, snowboarder, and an avid beer fan, I have a presence in nearly every corner of Snowsports: both racing and socials. This puts me at an advantage to most for this role that oversees all aspects of the club, as I will be active and aware of what’s going on all throughout the society. Next year, I believe marketing should have a greater focus on our freshers. Freshers tend to choose a club at the start of their year and stick with it, so we need to make sure that we are the forefront of societies that people want to try out. To do this, I will provide clear and early information about social events and make sure word of our events are known throughout campus, specifically freshers, and not just people already interested in the club. Importantly, I will post our members more, so that reposts can increase our reach to other UCL members and furthermore, I will humanise our social media presence so that a friendlier and more open environment is conveyed to people considering joining. Overall, I want to make sure that Snowsports is shown as a place where you can meet friends easily and enjoy yourself, regardless of why you are joining. Being chronically online already, this is a challenge well suited for me.


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