Election post


Hi all! I am Mika, and I pride myself, for the role as treasurer, on being precisely the kind of probability-theory obsessed nerd that infests all online poker websites; that is to say, that I can handle money, and I believe I can handle the money of the Sci-Fi and Fantasy society too and I assure you that this is an acceptable logical leap to make.

You can trust me to:

  • Work with the Events Officer and the President to ensure everything the society runs goes perfectly to plan
  • Ensure that no money suspiciously goes missing, no matter how many devils may tempt me
  • Make cool data visualisations and graphs to show people exactly where our money is going (in R, of course, there will be no matplotlib under my watch) with absolutely NO misleading axes, vile violin plots or liberal extrapolations, unlike my graph criminal competitors
  • There will be plenty of spreadsheets too
  • Always be open to suggestions for new services, board games or fundraising events for the society!

Please vote for me to be your new treasurer!


Preferred pronouns
Any pronouns