Election post


Hi guys!

As a future 3rd year PHS student, I am nominating myself to be your treasurer. - even though there are rumours that I can't count, I really can I promise... maybe with the help of my calculator though...

My love for spreadsheets and organisation and relevant experience in banking, funding and investments would be perfect for this role. I will ensure that the PHS society's finances are up to date and that funding is used in a relevant and efficient way. 

Our society must track  expenses, so my attention to detail and organisation will help ensure a smooth and trustworthy process between myself, the rest of the committee and you (the society members!!)

My negotiating skills will be used to get price reductions to exhibitions, museums and documentary screenings relevant to the PHS society! And, group reductions for non-academic activities such as ice skating and bowling!

Lastly, I will attempt to find sponsorships and new funding to perpetuate the society's growth, meaning that more events will take place.

Preferred pronouns
She / Her