Election post


This year, I am an Opinion editor at Pi Media. I have cherished being part of this community and the lovely friendships it has brought. This role is an opportunity to remain here for another year and help to create the best Pi Media possible.


What I most enjoy about editing is communicating with the writers. Having been on the side of the writer last year, it can be a strangely faceless process. I would enjoy the challenge of advertising to potential writers within this role’s behind-the-scenes capacity: getting creative with how to promote a more-hidden facet of Pi Media, and making sure people know there are friendly faces behind each stage. This was difficult to see before getting involved in editing - and that needs to change!


This calls for more posters around campus: the magazine is Pi’s only real opportunity to involve artists and poets, and should be capitalised on as much as possible. Very secretly, I also write poetry, and would love the courage to put it ‘out there’. Getting people to understand that Pi is a welcoming place for that outlet would be one of my priorities.


I’d hugely enjoy setting a theme creative enough that it can be taken in many directions by many different fascinating brains. I thrive on the interdisciplinary (see my Neuroscience degree, combining linguistics, philosophy and biology), and delicately combining the delegation of writing and editing and deciding the layout and illustrations for one shiny final product would make me so proud.

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