Election post


This year I've been getting more involved with UCL after a rocky start to my time at uni. The first year for me had some bumps and I wouldn't want to wish that on anyone as uni is a place where you go to grow up in a safe space and have fun. We are also paying for it so we should probably make sure that we get something out of it. I know that the only reason that I got through the first year was because I had help and support, and now I want to do that for others. I know how tough life can be and if there is ever anything I can do to help anyone I'd always be happy to do it. I'd like to make the Natural Sciences Society a more welcoming place for everyone, so it means that if people do need to reach out for help, it isn't as scary and comes from a friendly place. Besides we're in England so there's never not a good reason to have a cup of tea and a chat to make yourself feel better. 

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