Election post


Hi everyone!! I am Stephanie, a second-year sociology student from Hong Kong, and I would love to be one of your event officers for Museum Society next year :)

I have always been passionate and interested in all types of museums as I love its capacity to be an engaging and fun yet educational medium. Every visit opens an opportunity to discover something new about an unfamiliar topic and has been a great and unconventional way for me to explore the city of London. I hope to be able to continue hosting events that showcase the cultural heritage of the city and promote appreciation for art, history, technology and more. 

As a current events officer, I have gained valuable experience in organizing and leading successful museum visits, and I hope to continue to provide these weekly opportunities. I will continue to bring this passion to foster insightful discussions and host events that can interest and connect like-minded individuals. Building on this year’s events, I hope to increase the range of mainstream and niche museums visited to ensure inclusivity, and increase the variety of weekday and weekend visits. 

Ideas for next year: 

  • visits to a myriad of types of museums (including art, history, science, design etc)
  • more special access or guided tours, with a focus on special exhibitions
  • more collaborative visits with other societies, where other members can share their expertise, and members can connect with our wider community
  • hosting more socials like movie nights and picnics/walks (as many museums are near parks) to
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