Election post


Hi! I’m Sarina and I'm a third year French and German student, and I’d love to be editor-in-chief next year! I’m qualified for this position as I have actually been the editor-in-chief of the magazine for the last month and produced the issue that came out 2 weeks ago (go check it out if you haven’t!!) and I was an editing executive the whole year before that working on both articles and graphics. I’ve only just started with this role and there’s still so much I want to do.

My goals:

  • With 2 years experience, I understand printing specifications, finding brands to collaborate with for advertisements, organising shoots and I know what is required to uphold the magazine’s high standard using professional, industry-standard software (Adobe Suite, InDesign, Issuu)
  • I just set up the Instagram (please follow @uclmodomagazine haha) and want to expand this as a platform for members of all talents (photographers, stylists, writers, designers, graphic designers etc…) to showcase work more regularly than twice a year in print editions
  • give more publishing opportunities to the many members who want to go into the fashion industry and need to build creative portfolios

I also designed a collection for the Fashion Show at Steel Yard last year, styled my pieces for a magazine shoot and created social media content for the show and magazine launch last year so it’s safe to say MODO’s been a HUGE part of my last 3 years and I'm very familiar with how things work. 

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