Election post


There is nothing much in life more daunting than leaving your home to study abroad in a new and foreign country alone. However, I was lucky enough to have been part of a strong support system and network of people even before arriving in London in the form of the UCL Malaysian Society. Acting as our “home away from home” for us Malaysians, I was welcomed with open arms into such a supportive and warm community that guided me throughout the early stages of my UCL journey. Through hosting events and implementing certain initiatives, like the Family System and the Freshers group chats, I was able to forge new friendships with the people I am proud to call my closest friends today. 


In a way for me to give back to this community which has helped me in so many ways, it would be an honour for me to be elected as your next President. Given my experience with leadership positions in high school, this role would allow me to provide the most for our society and to leave a meaningful impact on our members, just as the society did for me. As your next Malaysian Society President, I intend to foster a closer, more tightly-knit community between all year groups. By implementing more events that encourage family participation, I believe we can have stronger relationships within and between families, creating a stronger sense of community in our society. Additionally, by surveying what our members want from our society, more curated events can be hosted to satisfy our members’ interests.